Summer essentials to have on hand whether you’re at the beach, pool, park, or splash pad!
These punch cards are great for helping with summer behavior madness! Set tasks and behaviors for your kids to earn punches, and set a reward for finishing the card!
A good pool/beach bag - I like these mesh ones because sand wont accumulate and wet things can air out. Also lots of pocks for snacks, water, and sunscreen!
I still use my wetbags from when my kiddo was a baby- great for wet swimsuits!
You NEED one of these. These blankets are made of a parachute material so sand blows right off them. The corners have pockets to fill with sand or rocks to keep it in place, and it folds up SO small!
Puddle jumpers- the water wings we all wish we had. My kiddo was able to swim pretty independently (always with supervision!) by the age 3 with these- way more fun! Make sure the fit is snug!
First saw this little guy on Shark Tank- keep it in your bag ready for the moment a bug bite rears it's ugly head >.<
For after using the bug bite thing- keep that itching at bay!
A given- always use the Kid's sunscreen especially with spray- all of the kids in my life say the regular stuff stings!
This is what my kiddo prefers for her face sunscreen- the spray freaks her out haha!
A fun sparkly sunscreen- don't use on face
Another great sparkle sunscreen- I usually use these just a bit on the arms where the kids can see it sparkle- makes them a little more open to the whole sunscreen process if they know glitter is involved!